November is prematurity awareness month, a local and national effort to raise awareness towards the leading cause of death for newborns.

     As part of our Prematurity Awareness month initiatives, the Nathan C. Splant Foundation will host the "Helping Hands for Preemies" Campaign throughout the month of November in honor of Prematurity Awareness Month.

     Proceeds from the Helping Hands for Preemies program will enhance our Grant Giving program to local families of Northwest Indiana affected by a premature birth.

     The Foundation is also accepting applications for its "Grant Giving" program to any person or family throughout Northwest Indiana (Lake and Porter County) facing a burden resulting from a premature birth (14 weeks gestation to 36 weeks gestation).  Applications and eligibility information is available on-line @ Grant Giving Program.


Prematurity Facts

  • Every year 400,000 babies - one out of ten - are born prematurely
  • Everyday 13 babies die due to complications from an early birth
  • Prematurity is the leading cause of death among newborn babies
  • Premature births (defined as birth before 37 completed week's gestation) are costly and is the leading cause of death in the first month of life.


     As part of our raising awareness efforts, the Foundation is also accepting applications for its "Grant Giving" Program to any person or family throughout Northwest Indiana (Lake and Porter County) and Cook County of Illinois facing a burden resulting from a premature birth (14 weeks gestation to 36 weeks gestation).  Applications and eligibility information is available on-line @ Grant Giving Program.


     Please consider making a External link opens in new tab or windowdonation and join us today to make a difference to those born too early and too small.