Newspaper Archives
The Nathan C. Splant Foundation donated a commemorative bench, made of 400 pounds of recycled plastic caps, in honor of Henry Penegor. He was the son of Sarah and Eric Penegor, of Schererville. The Foundation also donated $1,500 to Franciscan Health Crown Point Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, where Henry died in 2012 after a premature birth.
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The Nathan C. Splant Foundation donated a commemorative bench, made of 400 pounds of recycled plastic caps.
Click on the following link for the details of the newspaper article
Language and conversation is our lifeblood,. That's even true, scientists say, if one of the "speakers" may not have fully developed language skills.
Led by Dr. Betty Vohr, A professor of pediatrics at Brown University, Dr. Betty Vohr, found that premature babies in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) benefited when their mothers spoke to them in attempts to engage them in conversation, compared to if their mothers simply stroked them or if the babies were primarily around nurses who talked about or around them but didn't address the babies directly. To read more
Nurse educators at Community Hospital are raising greater community awareness of Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths because of caring parents Kim and Philip Splant and a contribution from the Nathan C. Splant Foundation.
A $2,500 donation from the Splant Foundation will help spread the message of safe sleep practices and provide HALO SleepSacksTM for babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Community Hospital, where the Splant's son, Nathan, was born prematurely, weighing only 1 lb. 9 oz.
Low-birthweight babies are at risk for all sorts of motor and cognitive delays, and researchers have just added autism to the list. A new study from the University of Pennsylvania finds that premature babies weighing less than 4.5 lbs. at birth are five times more likely than babies born at a normal weight to have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Kindergartners who were born extremely prematurely are much more likely to have learning problems than their peers who were born at term, even if they do not have overall intellectual impairment, new research shows.
To find out what Dr. H. Gerry Taylor and his colleagues of the University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland found go to:
INDIANAPOLIS - A five-year plan outlining several priorities for improving the health of Hoosiers is now available and ready to be implemented. The Indiana State Health Improvement Plan focuses on: assuring food safety, reducing healthcare associated infections, and reducing the burden of HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, and Viral Hepatitis, as well as infant mortality, obesity and tobacco use.
The State Health Improvement Plan is founded on the premise that together, Indiana Public Health System partners can make a difference.
The Indiana State Health Improvement Plan can be viewed at
Hospitals are changing how they care for premature infants mid growing evidence that some longtime practices, intended to keep the most vulnerable babies alive, may increase risks of serious and potentially deadly complications.
Some neonatal intensive-care units (NICUs) are cutting back on the high levels of oxygen traditionally given to premature babies. The change is based on research indicating the high levels may contribute to a condition called retinopathy of prematurity, a leading cause of blindness. Hospitals also are cutting back on prescribing several medications, including antibiotics and anti-reflux drugs, for infants because studies show they confer few benefits and increase risk of adverse reactions.
"Everything we do is a balance of risks and benefits for the infant, and we have to be vigilant to make sure we are not making things worse," says Dan L. Ellsbury, director of the Center for Research, Education and Quality at Pediatrix Medical Group, a large neonatal physicians group and a unit of Mednax Inc., of Sunrise, Fla. Pediatrix doctors care for some 20% of premature babies receiving intensive care in U.S. hospital NICUs.
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CEDAR LAKE | Forget Justin Bieber and Britney Spears, Lincoln Elementary School students had their own celebrity last week.
Nathan Splant, a first-grader at the Cedar Lake school, topped everyone at "show-and-tell" by bringing his dad, Philip Splant, a local businessman and part-time race car driver.
Youngsters gathered around the driver and his No. 52 racer in the school parking lot to hear about what it's like to drive fast in a cool car. Splant talked about the equipment he uses and the car, and patiently signed autographs.
The annual visit also promoted the Nathan C. Splant Foundation's Fifth Annual Racing for Babies fundraiser, set for Saturday at Illiana Motor Speedway, 7211 U.S. 30, Schererville. Gates open at 4 p.m. and the first race begins at 7 p.m. Admission is $12 and children under 7 are admitted free.
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Racing for Babies Event Supports Premature Children
SCHERERVILLE | Nathan C. Splant Foundation's Fifth Annual Racing for Babies fundraiser will hit the track May 28th at Illiana Motor Speedway and a special appearance at Lincoln Elementary, Cedar Lake on May 20th. Click here for the complete story
SCHERERVILLE | Illiana Motor Speedway driver Phil Splant will have a little extra motivation to win today's Limited Late Model Series race. Click here for the complete story,car-splant-0529.article
School visit previews Racing for Babies Fundraser May 29
CEDAR LAKE | Kindergartner Nathan Splant was "big man on campus" at Lincoln Elementary School recently when his parents, Phil and Kimberly Splant, of Dyer, arrived with No. 52, their Limited Late Model stock car.They say good things come in small packages. Click here for the complete story
Helping families and children born prematurely
ARTICLE: Kim Splant wants to help local families and children born prematurely in the greater Northwest Indiana area.
ARTICLE: CEDAR LAKE | There's no doubt Nathan Splant won show-and-tell honors hands down this month.